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Navinder Virdi - Journal - 10/21/2022 - Helping & Polishing

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

This week for the game, I have done a lot of work trying to get the game ready for the vertical slice and alpha play testers. First thing I worked on was getting the zombie to drop a key that the player needs to collect to open the door. I gave the key an animation, lighting, and a system for the player to pick it up. Then I moved onto fixing up the slight issues with the zombie. I added a new animation since the old animation made the zombie look like it was sliding on the ground. With the new animation, I had to polish the zombie and got it looking much better than before. Then went into the strafe function and multiplied by time.deltatime to get it to move nicely. Following that I added code to the triggers so that they would only open when the player enters the volume with a key. Next, I helped Victor out with the holy fireball. I did not work on implanting or coding out the holy fireball, rather helped him with the logic. For example, I told him how to code in the damage to zombies and he added it into the game. I also helped him in the same way with instantiating the explosion effect and getting it to delete itself. Then added an audio script that I had created previously. The next big step was working on increasing the map size by adding mountains in the distance so that way the player cannot see the space under the map. Plus added some rocks into the scene. Yesterday when meeting up with my group, I helped Bronson (in the same way I had helped out Victor) to get the knife to give the player health when it hits the zombies. As a precaution, we made sure that the player health will not go past the max health. To tie everything together, I generated the nav mesh and placed the zombies into the scene so that they will move around the map.

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