I really wanted to have more with this level, but with some busy activities and limited time I have to cut down my room and trap ideas. This week I got the groundwork for the entire level. I changed the statue with Navinder's demon model and gave it a stone material. I also got all the rooms set up. I managed to finish Room 2, but with some feedback I should add stairs to it. Room 3 is set up and ready, but I at least want a scary maze to work in the ghouls in the bottom. I still need to finalize Room 4, but it'll be pretty huge to fit all the enemies in to make the player run around. Once all the quick changes are made, I'll add colliders on the outside of the walls to prevent the knife and fireball to be thrown outside. I'll also need to add the
enemy placement once their done and add trigger scripts to open and close doors to turn off torches in other rooms to prevent the light problems.
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4